Gallery of Custom Bar/Bat Mitzvah Invitations

This is a small selection of the kinds of custom invitations we have designed and produced for our clients over the years. Come to our store and see many more that are equally clever, unique and stylishly designed. Once we start talking about your particular wishes, we think you’ll be glad you stopped in.

Best Custom Invitations Baltimore Magazine 2003, 2004, 2005, 2010. Turn to The Pleasure of Your Company for the best custom invitations available. Baltimore Magazine certainly considers this to be the case, as do the clients we work for. Select the style you want – from Polka Pear Press’s preppy bow-tied options to more upscale works from Anna Griffin and Crane – and our experienced staff will advise you every step of the way. They even offer an in-house calligraphy, foil stamp and mailing service.